Most volcanic eruptions in recorded history have blown skyward . 历史上有记载的大多数火山喷发是向天空喷发的。
Also, we were able to experiment with scientific measurements that may help us better predict future volcanic eruptions . 同样,我们也可用某些科学的测量手段进行实验来帮助我们更好地预测未来的火山喷发。
Volcanic eruptions are like fires in a chimney 火山爆发就象烟囱里的火焰一样。
A series of volcanic eruptions developed along the fault 一系列的火山爆发正在断层带酝酿
A series of volcanic eruptions developed along the fault 一系列的火山爆发正在断层带酝酿。
6 earthquake volcanic eruption or lighting 地震、火山爆发或闪电。
Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption 火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质
The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption 这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。
The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption 这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。